3 Things for The Future, Wiser You...Today

The future, wiser version of you looks like what? If you were to imagine with the craziest amount of creativity, what might that person look like?

I know that right now it is hard to see anything past what these next few months might bring. I want you to get super specific in terms of how we can collect wisdom and improve today. Below are 3 ways we can try to accomplish so that we can take what we learn, apply it, and get a little wiser. There are quite a few more and if you would like them, simply comment or shoot me an email and I will get them to you.

Stepping into the Unfamiliar- Think back to the time when you dabbled in something you always wanted to do. What happened? It might not be what you think. When you do something foreign, your brain makes new pathways and your body’s senses become heightened. You also are opening yourself up to learning something new. Learning new things allows you to align more closely with your purpose, abilities, and values.

Talk with other Perspectives- Truly listening to others that hold a completely opposite view can teach and improve your ability to broaden your perspective, show kindness, and give compassion. If you can see this beautiful world through different viewpoints, you can understand why people believe what they believe, and therefor make you that much wiser.

SLOW DOWN- I saved the hardest for last. If we can slow down when in easy conversations and difficult conversations, we can provide clear and concise communication. You also allow yourself to grab knowledge, past experience, common sense, and insight, without getting emotional. We want to demonstrate our RESPONSE-ability to those we serve and if we can slow down, we might be able to see bigger picture, maintain the vision of the path, and be just a little bit wiser today. God Bless