Lately I have been fortunate to work with some outstanding business leaders. Over the course of the past 12 weeks I have learned more business terms and vocabulary than I could have imagined. One term has really stuck with me. That is the HARD STOP. A hard stop is the absolute latest time one has for the meeting to last. It is their acute awareness of their schedule and needs for the day that help them dictate their time. My questions come to them as well as you, why does the HARD STOP happen in only business?

We need a HARD STOP in our health and well-being! What could a HARD STOP look like for you in your nutrition? How might some awareness and assessment of needs for you to perform at your highest level be made for you at the nutrition level?

We need a HARD STOP in our fitness! Our aerobic capacity will no doubt help us now, in releasing our happy neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin). The aerobic capacity will also help us later in life, directly linked to Alzheimer’s, depression, cancers, and dementia. Can we have a HARD STOP and evaluate how we can improve our fitness levels?

We need a HARD STOP in what we are feeding our brains! We have anywhere between 70,000-90,000 thoughts per day. 85% of them are negative. It isn’t as much as the thoughts but what we say that comes out of our mouth. Our words have power and give life. If we regurgitate negative thoughts and speak them out, we are more likely to believe them and see them as truth. Take a HARD STOP and evaluate what you’re reading, listening to, thinking, and speaking.

Take this weekend and reflect where a HARD STOP might be necessary. Choose one and if you want some ideas on how we can help serve you in the specific area, let us know. Be safe and God Bless

jason @ coachjfry.com