Sometimes we are in need of reminders. Sometimes we are in need of butt kicking workouts. Sometimes we are in need of moments of humility (for me, it is multiple moments). Sometimes we are in need of encouragement.

Today was just that for me. I was given an awesome reminder of a few things we NEED TO DO in order for us to grow and develop as LEADERS. The key for these below is that you take this challenge authentically.

CONSISTENCY- Being consistency and working your tail off over time will be far better than being lucky. Rare and few moments of greatness does not compare to the compounding action of consistency, especially if it is authentic and intentional.

DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL DO- This reminder hit home as I was told that people will always be listening to the sounds of your actions. Focus on talking less in all your endeavors this week. Focus on making ACTIONS that move you!

CREATE BOUNDARIES- This was huge for me. It isn’t just boundaries in your normal way but boundaries that you can set for yourself in regards to all things your life and development. This at work, home, public, and anywhere else. Remember “if you don’t set healthy boundaries for yourself, others will set them for you.”

PLANTING THE FLAG- We touched on this on another article. Stand firm in your beliefs. Listen and make your own conclusions. Make YOUR name for YOURSELF. “If you don’t make a name for yourself, somebody else will make one for you.”

More to come this week. As we go through our Mountain Leadership Experience this week, we will be sprinkling in some wisdom. We will be going live throughout the week. We will be sharing nuggets that some of our members are dropping. See you tomorrow and God Bless