I write todays article as I prepare for our Mountain Leadership Experience in Colorado. We have an amazing group of coaches, principals, educators, leaders, nutritionists, college graduates, and a few stragglers like me. We will aim to seek the best experience we have had yet. And, It happens to be the largest group we have had too.

As I have the opportunity to reflect on this time frame, of the hard work being done, I sit and think about a leadership tip I learned from many wise people.

TAKE ACTION. Take MASSIVE ACTION. Mount Massive is the second largest summit of the Rockies. It stands on it's tippy toes at 14,429 feet. It’s big. In fact, it’s massive. This mountain provides the illustration of what I have learned from many.

A mentor of mine Scott Ginsberg said that “Action is the hallmark of inspiration. It doesn’t matter what you believe, intend, or even what you say. Believing is overrated. Talking is worthless. Action is and always will be INSPIRATIONAL.”

The people that typically inspire us are the ones who acted. They acted and are now experiencing the things we dream of accomplishing at this very moment. They taste what we dream of having. There is one difference… We dream and they DO.

Our hope for you is that your action can create a chain reaction. Your action will create the movement needed for you to get headed in the direction YOU want to go, while helping get other people’s locomotives started in the direction they want to go. It all starts with ACTION. MT. MASSIVE ACTION.

I encouraged our #HealthyLeader community this morning with a challenge and I will challenge everyone reading this too… I challenge you to do three things to do that requires action to move you or HELP someone else get their train started.

Every mountain climb starts with leaving the parking spot.