Morning Coffee - 2 P's Pay the Mortgage

“Patience and persistence pay the mortgage.” If you asked the mentor or people within your inner circle what do you think they would say to that?

”All plans are perfect until Mike Tyson punches them in the face.” I think that is the quote, right? Things will take some time, follow through with your plan. Patience and persistence tie together so well as we build out our PROCESS and begin acting on it.

Once your PROCESS is created, it is going to take many, many, many reps at being bad before things become engrained, feel comfortable, or consistent. You must be patient.

Persistence is defined as “firm continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.” Doubt, struggle, failure, opposition, difficulty, are all things you are going to be hit with. Stay true to who you are, where you want to go, and the person you want to become throughout the challenges..

It will be your patience and persistence that pays the mortgage!