Future Over Now - Morning ☕️

Take this question in for a few moments. Would you rather have a good result now or would you rather have a great result 6 months from now? It is the same choice or same option. Either way you can have good or you can have great.

Think of this as the Marshmallow study. They gave children the option of having 1 marshmallow immediately or wait 10 minutes and they could have 2 marshmallows. They study then followed the kids throughout their coursework in elementary, middle, high school, and even post high school. They actually found that the students who went for the instant gratification mirrored those choices throughout their lives.

Too often, we are taking the moments of gratifcation instead of doing the work that will give us GREAT redults later. We forget that all of this creates compounding interest of some kind. Which compounding interest would you like to have?

Mediocre results vs Great results? I know which one you would like to choose but the reality is that we aren’t choosing the latter enough. What could we do today that could lead us to becoming more consistent and provide us the GREAT result?

***This is where your DoPE journal comes to play. Write down some of your decisions throughout the day and see what you are doing. There is grace for poor decisions, but realize the poor decisions, write it down, and make it so it won’t happen again.

God Bless