Great leaders have a unique gift! They are true to their element. Once they know what their superpower is, they do an amazing job of staying inside that element. One of the people I truly believe is a master of this is my man Mitch Matthews. I first met Mitch in 2010 at a leadership conference hosted by friend Dixie Gillaspie.

From the first second I saw Mitch, I felt his energy. He brought his magnificence with him. He brought it on stage and anywhere he went inside that conference, you experienced the feeling. He was at home! People and big dreams were his ELEMENT!

How can we lead a little more like Mitch? How can we get other people to experience us being our TRUE US? When you have this answer, you will be able to use this leadership to inspire. If you don’t know your passion, seek it out. Try different situations that you are interested in and create your own experiences.

Once you know your passion, go fight like crazy to live in this element for as long as you can. You will never cease to inspire if you are living in your ELEMENT. Go out and serve in your element. It will ALWAYS inspire! God Bless

***Check out Dream. Think. Do. podcast by Mitch Matthews and you will instantly feel his element. Click HERE to listen to the latest episode of his podcast.