Leaders Inspire: Antonio Neves Does this...and it INSPIRES me

What if you did such a great job leading with your truth that you were able to inspire others into leading with theirs? This is an awesome way to inspire others with your leadership.

This is no easy feat. The reason this is no easy feat is because you MUST fall in love with YOU first! People can’t see it if you can’t act on it. It will not be with your words, it will be with your actions.

There is one person I know and constantly learn from who exhibits this. He inspires me to live and lead through this way of loving myself, even when it’s so dang hard to do. My mentor Antonio Neves aka @theantonioneves is the man who does just that. He hosts the podcast “The Next Best Thing” and the best thing I get from him on the regular is how he honors his truth. And when you honor your own truth, it allows those you serve to give themselves the very permission to live the same way.

In certain podcasts you can see Antonio living this very truth. The Power of Purpose, Helping Teen Parents Thrive, and Ask the Right Questions are three great episodes where he brings out this permission and also gives the permission to his guests. Click here to listen to The Next Best Thing

I hope that you can help others lead by living in their own truth. I hope that the people YOU converse and interact with leave your meeting feeling inspired to live/lead with their truth more often. God Bless