FEELS GOOD - Henry Danger Voice

As you can tell, we have had Nickelodeon on our TV for the past I don’t know how many months.

I’ve recently been on a kick about things that great leaders do that inspire me. We went on about specific people that inspire me with specific traits they shared. We constantly provide different ideas or ways to help improve the leadership to better help inspire and reach those you serve.

Today, we are talking about how great leaders do an amazing job at helping the people they are around like themselves that much better.

Whether or not the people you serve really like you is irrelevant. What is most important is whether they like them. Think about the last person you truly loved being around. What did they do? They made you feel good about being you! Here are a few ways you can try to lead others by getting them to see themselves in a much better light.

Don’t Flatter, Commend…Flattery is seen just as it is. Purely manipulation. Comment those you serve on the specificity of their work or job. Being authentic when you commend them is a great way to increase their confidence.

Play A Game…Try playing a game with yourself on the person you are leading. Try to see how long you can go without talking about yourself. How many questions can you ask before you have to talk? The second game is the best and you can even use a timer. See how fast you can get the person to talk about what lights them up. What are they passionate about?

Take Note…In a George Strait voice “write this down, take a little note…”When someone suggests an idea, shares something inspiring, or even says a funny joke (an HR approved joke), grab your note pad, ask them to say it again and much slower, and write it down. You will make their day and maybe even their week.

Ensure Importance…In any conversation, ANY conversation, make sure that the people you are talking with feel important and valued. You can include “you’re bringing up a great topic,” “Great question and I am so glad you asked,” or “I was really hoping you would give me that question.”