How many of us can think of a company, organization, team, and even ourselves who overpromised and under delivered? They said this would happen by this date and it fell short, way short. It may have happened a few times or many times. Maybe you’ve promised a few things and didn’t quite get that promise to the level of standard you want to be known for.

Today, let’s discuss a process for building it back up. Much like actually building your own credit score, it take time, effort, and consistent work. It’s doable though. I will show you how!

Acknowledge It- There must be a point where you see it and understand how it got there. If you can’t recognize it, you won’t know there is a problem and it will continue to persist.

Own It- This is YOUR (MY) mistake. I did it. It’s not a time where finger pointing is necessary. The only finger that points is yours and it’s pointed right at you. What happened was because of you!

Ask for Help- This step is crucial. Ask others to help you in your rebuilding process. Remember that you cannot accomplish anything without the help of others.

Commit- Make a commitment to those who helped you, those you impacted with the breaking of the credibility, and please include yourself in this process. Make this commitment public and more than to one person.

Reminder of Progress- People you serve need to see your process. Remember, your words fall on deaf ears and your actions are what create results. Let your team see you on your process of building the credibility.

Be Consistent- Set reminders, build routines, make plans and be consistent with your actions. It will take action on top of action on top of action for all of them to trust you again. It must be consistent action.

A little Gratitude- Gratitude goes great for those you serve, especially if it is publicly. Thank those who helped you (see Ask for Help), those who decide to stay with you on the journey. Thank them and be genuine about it.

Don’t STOP- All I see are Green Lights!!!! Keep doing whatever it takes to build your credibility. Ask yourself questions like “How will I use ACTION to build my credibility?” or “How am I building trust?” Those in our HealthyLeader could write these in their DOPE journal as pieces of their reflections.

We hope this helps serve you. If it does, please pass it on to someone who may need to hear this. God Bless