The Currency of Time

Sit back with me and think of all those you have been mentored, coached, taught, and lead by and think of some nuggets you can take with you. As I sit here thinking about my list I thought of something I recognized in all of them. I recognize their value of time.

Great leaders know that time is the commodity that we can never get back once it is spent. They also seem to spend it the best way they can. If you have been mentored or coached by some great ones, you can imagine the price that time was worth.

What is time spent with you worth? How present are you with those you are spending time with? Do you give intentionality with those you are interacting with?

Here is a story to paint a better picture…
You just ended a meeting, conversation at lunch table, or off a call/chat on social media.

Just a few short minutes later, you are sitting all by your lonesome on the porcelain throne. In comes that same person you were just talking with and they are chatting with a friend/colleague. They are chatting about your interaction.

Sit, think, and question yourself about…
What would they be saying about you?
Would you be surprised by this?