DOUBT- Not Such a Bad Thing

We have all experienced this 5 letter word. It is often looked at as more of a 4 letter word that your mama told you not to ever say and if you did say it…you got the bar of Zest. Or at least I did. And by the way, I still remember what Zest tastes like.

DOUBT is looked at as something that should never happen or only seen as something negative.

But doubt does a few things for us in which I want to take a small dive into…

Doubt is another form of skepticism. It invokes questioning when you get down to the nitty gritty of it. Doubt provides us with a sense of protection. Otherwise you would just jump right in without looking for the rocks just under the waters surface. By having doubt, it causes you to ask a few more questions and look at it from different angles and perspectives.

Doubt allows for us to have choices. Most say that it is simple, it’s either yes or no. It’s either right or wrong. I’m here to argue that point. By having some doubt, it opens up your “decision tree” or gives you a chance to see that there are so many more outcomes possible than just right or wrong or yes and no.

Doubting is smart. Anytime you have the ability to doubt, that provides you with the opportunity to LISTEN all the way through. By starting with doubt, you create an open mind for the other person to provide you with more info. Therefor you become smarter.

Doubt isn’t all bad. Let’s try to use it today in hopes to help you become a little better! God Bless