Discomfort Propels You

You have made it 7 days and now on to the 8th. This 10-day challenge is meant to help you see what little things can do for your life, relationships, mental health, and career. Today is just that IMPORTANT.

Day 8 is about discomfort and how it can propel you forward. We are encouraging you to find some areas in those 4 categories where you have some discomfort. Whether it is a needed conversation with a boss, a fear of public speaking, a past experience you need to address and let go of, or a difficult decision at home or work, we want you to sit and reflect on this feeling. At least for a few minutes.

Muscles cannot get bigger if it weren’t for the breakdown of those specific muscles. If they don’t experience failure or near failure they will not grow. A tree must grow in the environment and be blown around to the point of bending all the way over in order to grow sturdier roots and trunks. We must embrace the difficulty in our lives. It is the challenge, it is the muck, it is the winds of life blowing us everywhere, it is the discomfort that propels you into a new and better version of you.

The challenge today is to do something that scares you. Do something that is a little uncomfortable. When you finish you will be relieved, happy chemicals in the brain and body will be flowing, and you just might feel confident enough to take on another challenge. God Bless