Leave Those Around You Better

Day 7 of 10-Day Challenge

Think back to a time when someone you loved, admired, or respected said something that inspired you. But not just motivated you or encouraged you. We are talking something that MOVED you and rocked you to your core. Chances are that you remember many details of what was said. You might remember what the surroundings were, maybe the smell in the air, the hair on your body raised up, or maybe even that you felt your heart jump for joy.

You have that same power! You can deliver this type of inspiration to another. You can deliver this inspiration to a friend, a co-worker, a boss, a teammate, a spouse, and even your children. When you inspire someone else you can create an opportunity that when you leave them, they become bigger. They become different.

The Day 7 Challenge is our chance to inspire another with our words. We hope you try this out today, tomorrow, and the remaining days of the challenge. If you have been changed by another, let’s pay it forward and look to inspire another. Please feel free to leave a comment of someone else who has inspired you. Reach out to them or just make it public, right here and now. Have a great day and God Bless