Use Clarity to Take Charge of Your Day

There is a ton of research out there on the idea of what thoughts you produce when you wake up in the morning. Those thoughts begin your day and set your mind to begin looking for those types of thoughts throughout your day. If you are in need of a little mental health recharge, this might be the article for you.

First, you will need to isolate yourself for 5 minutes upon waking up. Normally, we would suggest starting off with breath work or some immediate cold (cold shower/cold water on the face), but for now we are just intent on taking charge. Second, get to a place you can designate to be alone and free from distraction (no phone/kids/no email). Begin asking yourself some of the questions below. Try this process out for the next 5 days and see what kind of benefits it is producing for you.

What am I excited about in my life right now? What about it gets me fired up and how does it make me feel?

What am I thankful for in my life right now (Be SPECIFIC and not just for the roof above your head or food)? What about it makes me thankful and why?

What am I committed to in my life? Why am I committed to it and what specifically makes me feel committed to it?

Getting these into your mind and becoming conscious of the questions will have your brain immediately searching for reasons throughout the day. If we began finding out what makes us more excited, thankful, and what we are committed to, it might just bring us a whole new energy. We could all use a little more of it right now.