Upon racing, a horse has blinders that are attached to the bridle of the horse. These blinders prevent the horse from seeing behind or beside them. This is to help them from becoming distracted or panicked by what they see. We as leaders do this all the time. Not so much as a way to keep from seeing to the side or behind but as in a way of trying to do too much.


It is time to take the blinders off. It is time to take a step back. When you take a step back, you can now see things on the side. You can look farther into what is coming forward. You can look back without steering the team off course.


If you have the ability to give ownership to your team, take a step back! Let your team handle situations, leaving you the ability to see the bigger picture.


-Begin looking for areas of strength

-Begin asking for multiple perspectives

-Begin asking questions as to the process for your teams decision making

-Begin searching for better ways to enhance your processes

-Begin looking for ways to let go of your control

Big shoutout to my brothers in my morning BBT call. Thank you for helping me on my journey!