5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Effectiveness

Are You A Leader?

5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Effectiveness

It is the time of year where we begin to look forward to the start of the next quarter, new season, or even diving into the trenches as we speak. Our hope is to encourage you to take two minutes to read this and one minute to reflect on where you stand on each one of these tips. Those within our grasp deserve our best. It is time to reach your potential and help them reach theirs!


1.     Make Your Content Relevant: When you are teaching/managing others focus on the value of using realistic situations and scenarios. Use situations you have experienced before as well as adding the situations organization will see now. Put away how you used to do it and look to focus on how they’ll need to do it to be successful.


2.     Maintain Credibility: As a leader, you must live what you are asking those on your team to do. Too often, leaders have standard for themselves and a different standard for their team. You MUST hold your standards and expectations high and possibly higher for yourself than what you expect. What you demand from your players, DEMAND FOR YOURSELF!


3.     Know Your Team: You must know what your team/program may be thinking. Ask them questions. Get feedback. Develop relationships to encourage honesty and authenticity. This can grant you the ability to build your game plan in a way that is well suited to fit your team.


4.     Preach Less: Let your team find out who they are. Let your team question just who they are and what they stand for. Your team plays without you. While you lead, they must act and respond to situations on their own.


5.     Step Out of the Way:  When leaders step out of the way, they are able to see the big picture. Give the leaders/managers/assistant coaches time to work and lead. By doing this you are giving ownership, have ability to see areas of growth, areas of strength, and also can allow to you see how your leadership is actually working with those under you. This provides you instant feedback as to where you can improve.