READ 10 - 20 PAGES: Reading daily stimulates more than your brain. It also releases endorphins, that make you happier and more excited. Take some time to read things you are passionate about. This will keep you motivated when things get difficult.
REWRITE GOALS/VISIONS/STANDARDS: It is imperative that you begin to believe in what you are working towards/chasing after. By rewriting your goals, visions, and standards, you create a laser like focus on who it is you want to be. When you deter from the G's,V's, & S's it will be much easier to pull yourself back in when you do it daily. You will be able to catch yourself much sooner because you know EXACTLY who you want to be.
PLAN YOUR DAY IN ADVANCE: Take time the night before to plan out your upcoming day. This allows for you to be able to take on the most important tasks first. Attacking and accomplishing your tasks will give you confidence and more wins throughout your day. WIN THE DAY
SIMPLIFY: Focus on one task at a time. This takes DISCIPLINE. Turn off notifications when you are on your task until it is competed. When it is completed and you WON the task, take a minute to reward yourself, and then move on to the next task.
LISTEN TO THOSE WHO MOVE YOU: Take advantage of podcasts, audio books, radio stations that give you great ENERGY. Listen to those that help move you towards WHO you want to be. Remove the negative from your ears and add more positive.
ASK TWO IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: What did I do right? Write them down. What would I do differently? Write them down. Self-reflection is huge in your process of improvement. This will open the door for daily improvement, even if it is just a little.
TREAT EVERYONE WITH KINDNESS AND COMPASSION: We do not know what is going on in the lives of those we encounter. Can we not greet them with a smile? The one thing we control is how we treat others. Act with kindness and compassion and watch what it can do for you!