There are many more ways that we will discuss in the future about becoming a stand out. Being “GOOD” is not longer good enough. It is also the enemy of GREAT! Below are 5 things that will help you become above the average, above the norm, and STAND OUT amongst everyone else. It will take reflection, dedication, and ownership on your end. The process will be worth it and so will the results! Enjoy.
FIND A MENTOR: Search out someone who will challenge you. This person will be someone you admire, respect, and someone who won’t hurt your feelings when they call you out. It is very important that you see things in this person that you would like to emulate. Watch them and find out what it take to do things a different way. You must be willing to GET COACHED UP!
USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO YOUR ADVANTAGE: Take off people from your feed that preach anything different from the direction you want to go. At the same time, add people, businesses, articles, and blogs that fuel your “BURN” and can educate you in the direction you do want to go! This allows you to stay connected to your VISION and GOALS!
EAT RIGHT: A wise person once told me “that your abs aren’t won in the gym, they are won in the kitchen.” Her words were so true and science has backed it up. Your brain takes 80% of the nutrients from the foods you eat. If you are eating crap, imagine what kind of performance level your brain will function at. Your energy, performance, strength, memory, and recovery are based on what you’re EATING and putting in your brain!
DRINK WATER: A great rule of thumb is to cut your bodyweight in half and consume those ounces throughout the day. If you are active, I would suggest consuming more to replace the water you lost sweating. I truly struggled with drinking anything else that wasn’t caffeine. I now carry a 45oz bottle around and work to drink 4 of them throughout the day. Needless to say, I feel a lot better. If you have access to 16-20 oz water bottles, try drinking one or two upon waking up, and then you are well on your way to 3-5 more throughout the day.
FOCUS ON THE SIMPLE: You do not need to add a bunch of skills now. You need to sharpen and refine the skills you are already effective in. Once you have gotten the skill down, you may add a new skill. When focusing on a new skill, take the time for it to FEEL RIGHT. Worry less about result and more about it feeling right and being able to determine when it isn’t right. Try keeping 5 to 1 method in mind. If you do it wrong, keep at it until you can go 5 times in a row without performing it wrong. It is an excellent method school teachers use and something we use in the skill development field. When in doubt, KEEP IT SIMPLE!