Morning Cup of ☕️ - TRYING

You’re in charge of two things for the Morning Cup of Coffee. You are in charge of getting the coffee poured into your cup and you are in charge of getting your team together to discuss this mornings cup.

We will take care of the jolt and the kick in the pants to provide you with something to utilize today in the office. We tackle the 3 things TRYING does and why it is so dang important.

Trying builds GRIT- It is the result of the constant effort (trying) in which GRIT is born. Grit is the tenacity, perseverance, resilience, and willingness to keep you going despite obstacles. Your trying builds this grit! When you combine it with the ability to be frustrated and still persevere, your growth magnifies.

Trying builds SKILLS - Trying gets you a little better at the skills you are working on daily. Reps sharpen the speed and execution of the movements. Time + Trying + Growth = Confidence. Now multiply that by increased desire to continue…

Trying breeds COURAGE - Courage: mental or moral strength to persevere and withstand fear or difficulty. The more you try, the more confidence you create. The more confidence you create the more likely you are to demonstrate courage. Here is the deal though, courage is only demonstrated after the action. The trying brings about the willingness to take one more step forward and in the face of uncertainty.

God Bless