Morning Cup of ☕️ - Carry the Lessons

Today is the Saturday before Easter. I imagine you are not with your team, but that it A OK with me. We can still provide you with the energy and motivation as long as you bring the cup of coffee.

As we sit back and ponder, I imagine that if we thought about our wins and losses record (all coaches know theirs), we would likely see a lot more losses and a lot less wins than we would like. It is in those losses however where we find so much strength. Let me explain…

I got today’s message from my man Marsh Buice who talks about Taking the Lessons and Not the Losses. We have all had coaches focus so much on the loss or who the loss was to (ego) without any thoughts as to the lessons behind it.

We can look at our lessons from different viewpoints or questions like…
-How well did we prepare? Did the result happen like we thought it would? How was our communication? How was our execution? Was luck a factor? Did I as a leader remain calm?

Spend less energy on the loss and more energy on the lessons you can take.

Have an amazing Easter! God Bless