Morning Cup of ☕️ - +1

Good morning and welcome to the Morning Cup of Coffee. We hope it was an amazing weekend for you and yours. But that is over with and we are pushing forward. We need two things from you before we start. Make sure you’ve got your cup of coffee with you and also, we want you to grab a co-worker or your entire team to discuss this idea.

Ready. Set. Go.

Today, we are going to discuss one more. We want to create this plus 1 mindset. Too often we set a standard goal and then enjoy long after the goal is over. Too often we place the emphasis that the one contract is the biggest thing since slice bread.

We have all seen too many teams, both in business and athletics, lose their inspiration and motivation immediately after because they accomplished the task and had no idea what to do next. Not today. Not anymore.

What would happen if we had the mindset where we needed one more? What if we needed just one more phone call, one more WIN, one more contract, one more person for Jesus, one more student whose life we have the opportunity to change through inspiration?

We know that if you’re reading this, you have likely already set high standards. If you haven’t, take some time to think about it. If you have, what is one more thing you could do to help boost you AFTER you create a WIN?

What could 1 more do for you and your team?