Morning Cup of ☕️ - CAN DO

Welcome to the Morning Cup of Coffee. We hope for 3 things here. We hope you had an amazing weekend. We hope you have your coffee ready to drink. We hope you grab a teammate or heck, your entire team and discuss today’s message.

Today we are discussing CAN DO. The best leaders all have this attitude. Stuff happens. Losses occur. Mistakes are made. Big Audacious Goals (BAGs) are set. Challenges are given.

The best leaders take all of those listed and attack them with CAN DO attitude. They don’t ask whether or not it is possible. They make the choice to ask what can be done to make sure it CAN be DONE. They work it out. They make it happen.

What are things in the office that CAN BE DONE with the right mindset. Who on the team needs to do what in order to make it happen. Actually heard yesterday John Whitmore say that it is important for everyone that works within the scope of the project to verbally say what they think they could do for the other members on the team.

What would happen if everyone on the project/mission/goal knew exactly what they needed in order for the team to win? Imagine what might be accomplished if everyone had a little CAN DO in them.