Morning ☕️ - Find the Love

Good morning and welcome to the Morning Coffee. We decided to give it a name change and make it even easier. Two things we hope to get from you are that you bring someone else with you as you read this and the second thing is that you come in with an open mind. We will bring the inspiration to get you and your team thriving.

Here is a super simple question. Do you love it? Do you love the challenge put before you? Do you love your work? When you were a kid, the things you enjoyed and maybe even loved doing were the things that you were good at. Now that you are at work, you might not be experiencing that very same love.

Why? Maybe you are like that box of pencils given to you on the first day of school. Just waiting to be sharpened. My encouragement to you is to find the love in what you do. Find ways to enjoy the process of your every day “grind.”

Put some love into the work and you will produce a better product. The better you become the more love you will bring. What is one thing you could do today that you might be able to apply a different attitude to the work? If you enjoyed the work, would you do a better job?

Find ways to love it. Have great conversations. Enjoy the effort you provide and smile after giving the effort.

God Bless