At the HealthyLeader, we created a community where we could all focus on improving our leadership skills directly through our health. We improve the health and our energy for our decisions get faster. We improve our health and we have the ability to be able to do more throughout the day. We improve our health and we can accomplish our GOALS!

I truly believe in personal goals. What you set before you, what you put out on paper, what you do daily, sets the tone for the success of your goals. Today, we are going to cover the accomplishment of a goal. 1 GOAL.

Take 5 minutes and write down a list of goals you have that you want to accomplish in the next 30 days. This goal will likely set you up for a bigger goal come 90 days or even 3 years. Either way, what would you like to accomplish?

Select 1 of those goals. This goal means the most to you at this current time. Now, let’s go deeper.

What are 3 action steps you can do every single day that would help you accomplish this goal? Narrow it down. The three most important pieces that would light the spark for your success.

Once we can visualize the 3 steps and accomplishing the goal, we need to be prepared for LIFE. What are 3 things life will throw at you to make the accomplishment of your goal really difficult?

How can you plan and what can you do to help ensure that these 3 hiccups don’t cost you your goal?

The only thing left to do is ACT. Go create your action to reach that goal.