Great Leaders Share & Show; It's Inspiring!

Right now I am my favorite auto shop, Combs Tire and Auto. As I wait on the dreaded outcome of what is wrong with my vehicle, I sit here in the waiting room, surrounded by jerseys of past Cardinals, MU legends, and former hockey superstars. I can’t help but think about something these encased jerseys reminded me of.

I am reminded of not the person in the specific jersey but the person that was before the jersey. I am reminded that great leaders do two things really well to inspire their teams and people and I have no doubt that each one of these jerseys have been a part of these experiences.

A great leader will not only pave the way and demonstrate leadership through example, but they will actually show you how far their transition and path have taken them. They will show the steps (MANY, MANY STEPS) they’ve taken in order to get to where they are now.

The second piece and just as important, is that the leader will show you how far you’ve come. They’re interaction with you will cause you to think about the person you are, were, and how far your transition has been. They let you know that nobody can steal your progress from you. Nobody holds the power to take away what you have done.

I encourage you to take the lesson from these glassed jerseys and think about how far you have come. Be inspired at the humongous leaps and bounds you have made in the past six months, 2 months, or the last few weeks.

Who and what have you become?

***By the way, if you are in St. Louis and ever need service, CALL COMBS! They have an amazing owner and staff. They treat you the right way, are upfront and honest, and tell you what you NEED right now. There is no other reason I take my vehicles there. Great leaders live at COMBS. Call them up 314-821-6100