Let go of what’s not working and really assess what is working and ‘what can I be excited about.’ @JasonNemer
Most of us have heard of the 80/20 rule. If you haven’t, it’s where you get 80% of your results from 20% of your energy and efforts. What this is basically saying is that we need to examine what the heck we are doing. Where is the other 80% going and just what are we spending that time/energy on? How might we be able to put a little more into what is working and a lot less of what isn’t? Let’s dive into some questions we might ask to help us on our journey to maximizing the 80/20 rule.
5 Questions for the Prep Stage
What does your typical day look like? Do you have it scheduled out?
What actions are you taking that’s producing your best results?
What actions are you taking that might be hurting you and your progress?
What actions are you taking daily that bring you the most joy?
5 Questions for Creating the Opportunity
Can you schedule an extra 20-30 minutes per day dedicated to producing the best results?
How might you create time to think of opportunities to improve your process?
Are the positive results bringing you happiness? The more positive we look for, the more opportunities our brain begins to see.
What daily routine could I create in which my happiness and joy is at it’s highest?
Could I create more of this?
5 Questions for Finding What Isn’t Working
What actions and routines are not creating desired results?
Why is it not working?
What steps am I taking that could be altered? How could I alter/improve them?
What on my behalf, could I do to improve the situation? Effort? Knowledge? Relationships?
Have I removed emotions from the analysis of my actions?
We will circle back with how we can develop the plan to helping you once you have created your answers to these questions. Some of these will take a hard, deep look inward. It will take work and persistence in order to get more of the results we want, but it is doable. We hope you jump on board and go on this journey with us.