Have you ever read a book that truly transformed the way you thought, acted, or even decided to live your life? I have mine (The Go-Giver, A More Beautiful Question, Purple Cow) and now I have a new one. It is called Everybody Matters by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia. From the beginning, there was something in the writing that struck me to my core. What if I could do this? What if we could do this in our leadership experiences and more important with the teams we work with.
The number one theme I took from the book was to foster an environment where everyone feels LISTENED to and truly CARED for. One great question to ask if you are in a leadership position might be, how do those I lead feel under my direction? Do they feel listened to or cared for? Below are the 10 Commandments of Truly Human Leadership, set by Bob Chapman and his amazing crew. It might be too soon to try all 10 of these but it is never too soon to begin working on creating the environment that leads to caring, growth, and safety.
We are with you along the journey. We hope you get to practicing these as they can lead to real transformation. Enjoy and God Bless
Begin every day with a focus on the lives you touch
Know that leadership is the stewardship of the lives entrusted to you
Embrace leadership practices that send people home each day safe, healthy, and fulfilled
Align all actions to an inspirational vision of a better future
Trust is the foundation of all relationships; act accordingly
Look for the goodness in people and recognize and celebrate it daily
Ask no more or less of anyone than you would of your own child
Lead with a clear sense of grounded optimism
Recognize and flex to the uniqueness of everyone
Always measure success by the way you touch the lives of people