The 🪜 of Belief - Day 1

The HealthyLeader is a program designed to get you healthier. It is designed to help you attack you health so that you may better serve those you LEAD. However, none of this happens without 1 thing…

BELIEF. You need to believe in yourself. If not you, then who? If you believe it, it’s your truth. As Henry Ford once said “if you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

The definition of belief is the complete knowledge that you can handle anything that comes your way. It requires intense focus on the task at hand and acceptance of both good and bad.” @DrBhrettMcCabe

VISION is our Key for the Day: What do we want? Where do we want to get to? We need to create what it looks like, smells like, feels like. If we lack the direction of where we want to go, we will become lost. We will have no compass to guide us and no way to determine if we are getting closer.

Spend some time sitting with your VISION. Where do you want to go? Be as specific as possible. Once this is created, come back tomorrow and we will go over the second step with you.

If you are interested in joining the HealthyLeader, we have 4 communities going LIVE May 4. We have a community for those in Education, members of the church, Coaching (all types), and Sales. We hope you join us at

God Bless