Day 3- Intentional Study

Welcome to Day 3. Today is a very difficult challenge for most people. Most will say they do not have the time for this or they are just simply too busy. If we can get an accurate look into our daily life, we may find little pockets of 15-minute breaks in which we can take advantage. We also might see some time on Netflix or Disney+ if you are like me and have kids that hog the remote. Lets take this time to be intentional. Lets take this time to study.

This isn’t like school where you are having to study for the upcoming micro or humanities 101. This is our chance to study for 1-hour of the day on something we are passionate about. If your purpose has already been made known, use this time daily to make sure you learn something new that might help you or in your service to others. Like we said earlier, we can break them up into 3 20-minute groups, or 4 15-minute chunks, or maybe you can have the time for a straight hour of intentional studying and/or reading.

There are many different things that we can read in order to help us move forward. Don’t cheat it and count a podcast or an audio book, unless you are hand writing down notes. Make sure that you are learning something new and being completely intentional about this process. Every time you read something about your passion or purpose you are moving yourself closer to reaching your next milestone.

Below are benefits of studying and reading. Let’s build this into a great habit that we can continue in 21. See you tomorrow for Day 4. God Bless

  • Increases dopamine

  • Expands your knowledge

  • Boosts your mood

  • Deepens empathy

  • Helps you relax (and may even help you sleep)

  • Lowers stress levels

  • Improves memory and focus