Morning Cup of ☕️ - 1 Degree

Good morning to you! I hope you are buzzing and full of energy. If not, we have you covered. We hope to inspire you to move a little closer to your goals, dreams, and inspirations. You just have to bring the coffee.

Today’s article is all about math and science and stuff. Just kidding. I don’t know those well enough, but I do understand what happens if something is just one degree off.

I will give you two illustrations. Imagine you have a home builder who is custom building your home. All the specs are laid out and the carpenter is off on the frame by 1%. What happens the further he/she builds out. 1% keeps getting tacked on to the original work. Pretty soon you have a frame completely off the mark and you are crying because your closet is jankety.

Imagine the pilot of the 777 megabus takes off and sets course of 1 degree off. He leaves the Austin airport and is heading to NY. It is 1743 miles in between the two. They say that just one degree off, every 60 miles will have you off by one mile. If the pilot is off 1 degree, he misses NY by 29 miles. That would be one expensive Uber, taxi, or mistake.

The little things matter. Setting your course for greatness will mean you go different paths to get you there but if your values and mission is off course, you will miss your target immensely.

My question to you is where are some areas that you can improve a few little things? Where do your little things matter?