Power of a Snowflake

As a kid you looked forward to the first and second, and maybe even the third day school was called off due to snow. As a parent, when the forecasters say a snow is coming in overnight, you become a little giddy at the chance that you won’t have to go in to work too. Be honest…it’s okay to have this wish.

Let’s think about the power of the snowflake and compare it to our “process.” The work we put in daily as our process is similar to the one snow flake that falls from the sky and lands in the yard.

One snow flake does nothing, just as one workout, one day of calls, one day on a project. But, what happens when that snow flake stacks on top of the many, many, many snowflakes? We get that snow day!

The same thing with our process! We do not know how many snow flakes or days of constant processes it will take. The snow might melt. The process might take longer than you thought. The key isn’t the regard for it happening, the key is the readiness for the fact that it might happen.

If you are ready for the snow day, you will have the opportunity to thrive. If you fail to put that process in, your snow day WILL NEVER COME.

We hope you enjoyed this morning cup of coffee. Now get back to work.

For more info on @coachjfry, feel free to go to IG or Twitter, or maybe you could stay on a little longer and find out more on the HealthyLeader Community and see where you belong. God Bless