The KEY WORD for today is HUMILITY.

The definition of humility is “freedom from pride or arrogance.” As a leader, or one in a position over another, it is important that your conversations with those you serve comes as “free from pride or arrogance.”

This keeps us from expecting that we “deserve” more than we do. It is a reminder to us to remain thankful for what we do have while we work for the things we want to have/accomplish.

Humility keeps us in the present. It lets go of the past accomplishments and even failures. It helps us maintain our growth mindset that we are here to keep learning, that we have the ability to learn more. We can be thankful!

This practice of humility allows us to open up and learn from other people. Whether it is red or blue, low position or CEO, coach or athlete, humility allows us to LISTEN with the intent on hearing/seeing/FEELING the other side.

Let’s aim to practice HUMILITY today! God Bless