Better Life Starts With Better Breath

Happy New Year to YOU! We hope you celebrated in a different fashion. We hope you celebrated safely but have some great stories to tell. We hope that a better version of this year and yourself is what you’re seeking. It surely is for us.

We wanted to start the New Year with the challenge of Day 5. Better Breath will help you immensely. Not only will you improve your decision making, lowers anxiety, decreases depression, but you will shift your body back to the rest-and-digest state.

We introduce you to the Box Breathing. It is used by professional athletes, special operation units, and top leaders. If you can master the below breathing you can drive better results in crucial conversations (me with my kids), negotiations, and performance related activities. Try these out and see. These next 5 days can be incredibly powerful.

Try lying down on the floor with feet on a chair or couch or backpack (slightly elevated).

  1. Inhale slowly with a count of 4 in mind.

  2. Hold that breath for a count of 4.

  3. Exhale in a controlled manner to a count of 4 or more.

  4. Repeat this until you feel your heart rate back to a resting position.

This is a great exercise to do upon waking up, after an intense workout, before/after a difficult conversation, before giving a speech, or faced with a difficult decision. Give this a shot for the next 5 days and let us know how the better breath helped make a better day. HNY and God Bless