

As some of you know, we go to the mountains every summer. This year was our first year with coaches, looking to develop and learn a little more of how we could make it a first class event for coaches and their teams. 

This year we took a break from the mountains as most were still covered in snow and decided to try our luck on the fast waters. We are going through the entire list the hilarious instructor must say to CYA the company. He said something that really stuck with me. The guides will NEVER point to anywhere on the river that isn’t where they want to go or in case you are out of the boat, you will be directed to where you NEED to go. They simply POINT TO THE POSITIVE. 

This is something we do a lot as instructors, teachers, coaches, and for me especially, as a parent. When my kid came home with the report card that had all A’s 1 B, and 2 C’s, I immediately look at the C. Most times, we look at the negative in others. We need to begin Pointing to the Positive. Point at the direction in which your student, athlete, or child is going right. We can certainly improve areas of growth (weaknesses) but we need to praise them for what it is they are doing right and or point them in the direction of the positive. 

They will model what they see you do. Act poorly and don’t expect anything other than that from them. 

Here are 3 things from an excellent principal in which we can improve the performance of our athletes, students, children…

  1. LISTEN- Get your eyes up and on who you are giving your attention to. It can be as simple as rearranging your desk so that when someone asks for your attention, that you turn to them and your computer/phones are not accessible.

  2. GET FEEDBACK- Find out about the ways they tick, what they like, how they respond to your criticism, what it is you could be doing better to keep their attention. Get feedback from those around you about how you can improve as well. The more aware you are the better the impact you can provide. 

  3. MODEL- This is a MUST! It is simple. You cannot preach love and then not reciprocate it. You cannot tell them they need to listen better and you not have your eyes and ears involved in the conversation. Kids are very observant and can smell BS/unuthentic individuals from a mile away. Model exactly what you would want and watch for the amazing results. 

As you go along this journey or river, look for your opportunity to POINT 2 THE POSITIVE. Have an amazing day and God Bless