I have been mentored by 10 amazing entrepreneurs in my life. Some thrived in business and some thrived in coaching. They have all thrived in teaching me many things that I can use and help serve others with. The 5 traits are crucial to the success of any organization. I struggle with doing all of these all the time, but I want those around me to see what I can do for THEM.
Serve: Make sure you let those under you lead in their own way. Allow them to lead, learn, and make their own experiences. If they need help, give them an assist and be there for them.
Mentor: Set an example by living the example. Let them see how they could handle themselves in situations as well as answering questions. Correct or criticize when it will make a difference.
Add Value: Actively listen to their ideas. If they are giving their ideas, they want to help improve. Give respect to their position regardless of the position. Problem solving and creative thinking are at every level. Encourage it.
Reward: Always remember to take great care of those who have taken great care of you. Praise in meetings, assemblies, team gatherings, and in one-on-one conversations are effective ways to reward your members. External rewards aren’t bad either.
Love: Spend time with them, ask questions about their families, invite them out, and invest your life with them. If you invest in them, they will no doubt invest in you. Love them for who they are, what differences you share, and what similarities you have.